Rent Please! Landlord Sim Strategy Guide: Tips, Cheats, and More - Touch, Tap, Play (2025)

Rent Please! Landlord Sim is a idle simulator where have to build facilities, furnish rooms, and find the right tenants for your rooms. Managing a whole complex is a tough job, so we’ve got you covered with our Rent Please! Landlord Sim tips and tricks strategy guide.

Tip #1: Follow the To-do List

In the top right corner of the screen, tap on the clipboard icon to get to your to-do list. This is a list of main objectives that guide your apartment complex down the general progression route.

If you’re ever unsure of what to do next, the to-do list is a great place for a refresher. Every time you complete an objective, you are also rewarded with money, so it’s a win-win situation; you get to upgrade your apartment while getting paid for it!

Rent Please! Landlord Sim Strategy Guide: Tips, Cheats, and More - Touch, Tap, Play (1)

The to-do list has objectives that need you to upgrade or build certain facilities or rooms. In general, you want to start at the top and then work your way down through the list. It can be overwhelming managing individual furniture in all of your rooms, so the to-do list is a great way to stay on top of it all.

Tip #2: How to Earn more Money

Your rooms make a fixed amount of money per hour, and you can see the rate of each individual room by tapping on them. Upgrading the room’s furniture increases the money generation per hour, so focus on upgrading the rooms for your tenants to earn more money.

Upgrading furniture is very important because not only does it make your rooms more valuable, but it also makes your tenants happier. At the bottom of the screen, tap on the smiley face to get to your Community Satisfaction Index.

Rent Please! Landlord Sim Strategy Guide: Tips, Cheats, and More - Touch, Tap, Play (2)

The Community Satisfaction Index is an overview of how satisfied your tenants are with the apartment complex. Tenants leave a good review if they’re satisfied, and a bad review if something can be improved. The Community Satisfaction Index counts all positive and negative reviews and displays them on the meter at the top.

Make it a habit of checking on the Community Satisfaction Index often, as it’s the key to making more money. If at least half of all your reviews are positive, you’ll earn bonus money from all incoming sources. The more positive reviews you have, the bigger the bonus, so aim to please all your tenants!

Tip #3: Get Better Tenants ASAP

As you continue to upgrade the furniture inside your rooms, the rent goes up, naturally. While this makes you more money, the problem is that each type of tenant can only pay up to a certain amount of rent.

This means that eventually your rooms are going to get better than the tenants living in them. You can let the old tenants keep living in the room, but the room’s rent pay is going to be capped out until you find new tenants.

We know it’s a bit cruel and maybe hits a little too close to home for those struggling with unreasonable rent, but the best course of action is to kick out the old tenants and find a more suitable one. You can do this by selecting the room, then tapping on the Kick out! button.

Rent Please! Landlord Sim Strategy Guide: Tips, Cheats, and More - Touch, Tap, Play (3)

This will immediately evict the tenant out of the room, and you can start recruiting for a new one. Try to find one that is the most compatible with the room’s current state; remember that while the more fancier tenants tend to pay more, they also have much higher room expectations. Placing a high maintenance tenant in a room that’s not up to snuff can wreck your Community Satisfaction Index.

Tip #4: Take Care of Tenants’ Troubles

Each tenant (excluding the Unemployed Loafers) eventually gets a Tenant Trouble, which is basically some kind of crisis. You can talk to the tenant in trouble whenever you see a red person icon in the top left corner of the screen.

The Tenant Troubles are presented to you as a turning point in that tenant’s life, and they’re coming to you for advice. You are given two to three responses, and you have to pick the one that you think will have the best effect on the tenant.

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Tenant Troubles are split into multiple phases. When you answer one phase, you’ll have to wait a few hours before you can talk to the tenant again. Once you do, the Tenant Troubles are resolved, and you’re rewarded with money and diamonds. Try to resolve as many Tenant Troubles as possible!

We hope our Rent Please! Landlord Sim strategy guide helps you become the ultimate landlord. If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our Rent Please! Landlord Sim codes for some free stuff!

Rent Please! Landlord Sim Strategy Guide: Tips, Cheats, and More - Touch, Tap, Play (2025)
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